BTL Exilis Ultra


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BTL Exilis Ultra™ is the first Non-Invasive Skin Tightening and Fat Reduction Device to simultaneously transmit radio frequency and ultrasound energy. The combination delivers safer, more comfortable and consistent results for a wide variety of areas on face and body.  Where are your trouble spots? Tightening and rejuvenating with no pain and no downtime!  Individuals with metal inside their body (pins, screws, crowns) may not be candidates for BTL Exilis Ultra™. Powerful BTL Exilis ULTRA™ redefines appearances by reducing wrinkles, treating laxity and reshaping the body – from head to toe.

General Information (Some things you should know)
Before you schedule for a series of non-invasive treatments with the state of the art BTL Exilis System medical device, here are some things you should know:

  • The BTL Exilis ULTRA™ System is a radiofrequency (RF) device that delivers high energy in a controlled fashion to the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin. 
  • There is NO DOWN TIME associated with your treatments other than a brief period of redness and minor swelling. You can get back to your daily routine almost immediately.
  • There is no skin peeling, pigment change or prolonged healing associated with its use. The RF energy heats the undersurface of the skin causing a collagen remodeling. 
  • Although you may see immediate results after your treatment session, the major portion of the clinical improvement is evident at 3 MONTHS following your last treatment.
  • There is NO PAIN associated with your treatment session, only a moderate intense sensation of heat which tells you that the treatment is achieving its goal.   There is NO anesthetic required with the BTL Exilis ULTRA™ treatments.
  • It is recommended that you are well hydrated prior and during you treatments. Please DRINK LOTS OF WATRER 2 days before, 1 day before, on the day of and 4 days after your treatment to help improve lymphatic drainage.
  • Men undergoing facial treatments must shave the morning of the session.
  • You may continue all medication, supplements and vitamins during your treatment period.
  • Sun exposure DOES NOT affect the results of your treatment.
  • BTL Exilis ULTRA™ is safe for all skin types.
  • Treatments can be repeated at the 7-14 DAY or 2-4 week interval.
  • Patients with a pacemaker, metal implants or who are pregnant or nursing MAY NOT undergo RF treatments.

The Benefits of BTL Exilis ULTRA™
By delivering a continuous emission of radio frequency and ultrasound waves concurrently, the mechanical effect is more aggressive than RF™ alone. The continuous ultrasound produces an increase in temperature that favorably influences cell membrane permeability. The boosted ability to allow energy to freely flow across the cell membrane eases the release of growth factors and platelets that stimulate fibroblast production. This, in turn, facilitates cell nutrition and tissue regeneration, leading to improved skin laxity and texture. Heat from the combined energies also accelerates inflammation. When this occurs, blood flow must be increased to expedite the removal of cellular debris and to increase the delivery of nutrients needed for healing of tissue. With body shaping procedures, the increased blood supply accelerates waste elimination for enhanced clinical results of body slimming.

Is it Safe?
Patients with a pacemaker, metal implants or who are pregnant or nursing MAY NOT undergo RF treatments.

Who and What can be Treated?
BTL Exilis ULTRA™ treatment is recommended for any patient (all skin types) above the age of 18 who desires cosmetic improvement on their face and body.

Patients with a pacemaker, metal implants or who are pregnant or nursing MAY NOT undergo
RF treatments.

BTL Exilis Ultra™

What to expect

  • Speed of Treatments: About 15 to 30 minutes per session.
  • Average number of treatments recommended – 3-4 sessions.
  • Optimal, Long-Lasting Results: Typically achieved in two to six sessions over a period of one to two months.
  • Very Well Tolerated: Virtually no pain or patient discomfort.
  • Numerous Applications: Highly versatile aesthetic device for body and face solutions.
  • Body and face can be treated within an hour
  • Most patients describe the sensation of the therapy as being comparable to a hot stone massage
  • No needles or anesthesia required
  • Affordable with no downtime and little risk of side effects

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