BroadBand Light

Broadband Light Treatment

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  • The Sciton BBL (Broadband Light) skin treatment is a revolutionary light technology that can significantly reduce the signs of aging and sun damage on the entire body.
  • A groundbreaking study from Stanford University shows that Forever Young BBL™ can restore gene expression of aged human skin to resemble much younger skin.
  • BBL effectively treats pigmented lesions (including sun spots and freckles) and vascular lesions (including rosacea, broken capillaries, and cherry angiomas). Recent clinical studies have also demonstrated that BBL can reverse the signs of aging by changing the expression of genes at the molecular level.
  • Full face BBL treatments can be done in as little as 15 minutes and are generally tolerated very well. There is no downtime required for this procedure. With regular treatments, one can expect a clearer, smoother, and more youthful looking skin.
  • Pictured below are just a few examples of skin irregularities that can be corrected with broad band light.

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